

Freshfields is always looking for talented lawyers, tax specialists and (junior) civil-law notaries.


The first step on the career ladder – Associate

Starting as an associate at Freshfields means working as a full member of the team from day one and taking on new challenges on a daily basis – both nationally and internationally. In this way we offer you the ideal environment to quickly become an excellent associate and develop yourself personally.

We attach great importance to actively promoting your development and providing an environment in which you feel comfortable at work. That is why we work in teams that are characterized by collegiality, appreciation and pleasure in work, with the aim of achieving joint results at the highest level.

It goes without saying that you will also have access to a wide range of further training courses that will specifically promote your individual, professional and personal development and thus contribute to first-class training at every stage of your career.

Finally, the subject of work/life also plays an important role. For example, we offer a wide range of support throughout your career path through flexible working hours, offering part-time work and a sabbatical. Want to know what your personal career at Freshfields could look like? Then read on below.



As an associate, you work independently from the start and with direct client contact. You will not be thrown in at the deep end. Your supervising principal and your colleagues introduce will you to your work step by step. Tailor-made training and development opportunities will also help you to better take up your role as an associate and enable you to develop further into a senior associate. During the first 3 years, you will work as a trainee lawyer/candidate civil-law notary. After completing your education, you will be appointed as an associate. We recruit for the long term, your associate internship time is an investment in yourself and in the office.

Senior Associate (Lateral)


Lawyers, tax specialists and (junior) civil-law notaries do not always remain employed at the firm where their careers began. A new intellectual stimulus, a broadening of horizons, other clients and files can be a reason for experienced staff members to look for a new one until the imaginative environment.

Principal Associate / Counsel / Partner

Principal Associate / Counsel / Partner

If you have demonstrated that you are among the best performing lawyers, with excellent professional and personal competencies, you may be appointed as a Principal Associate or Counsel and possibly also as a Partner. In this way, you will become increasingly involved in the firm’s business and take even more care of the firm’s clients.

Are you interested in a personal career at Freshfields? Have a look at our current vacancies here. More information about your application can be found in the FAQs below.


Janine van den Bercken


Janine van den Bercken



During my studies, I became very interested in (European) competition law. After an internship at a medium-sized firm in the competition law department, and a work placement at Freshfields in the Antitrust, Competiton & Trade (ACT) department, I knew I wanted to pursue my career in competition law and at Freshfields.
Our practice focuses on competition law, European law and regulated markets. It is difficult to describe a standard working week within our ACT department, because the practice is so extremely diverse. We are working with colleagues from London on an international takeover, in which various competition law aspects are reviewed, including the exchange of competition-sensitive information and merger notifications in various countries. Every week, we provide clients with advice in cartel or power abuse proceedings, and if necessary, we litigate against ACM or the European Commission. The nice thing about this is the interaction between market and government, and the diversity of sectors in which our clients operate, which is central to virtually every procedure. So it’s not just about the legal content. Knowledge of the various markets is a must in order to be able to assist your client properly, which makes the work extremely challenging and varied.
Furthermore, Freshfields ensures that everyone continues to develop. A good example of this is the Antitrust, Competition & Trade training courses that I am currently attending in Brussels. Apart from the fact that this is a good way to brush up on your own knowledge, it’s also great fun to meet other (junior) associates from different countries who also work in Freshfields’ ACT department.
And finally, and perhaps most important of all, for me, is the atmosphere within our office and within my team. Because Freshfields in Amsterdam is quite small, you have the opportunity to get to know everyone in no time. And that is also clearly visible during and outside working hours. The slogan: ”excellent, and not too serious”, is fortunately taken very seriously. I certainly did not want to miss the staff weekend in Mallorca!

Eeke Kenninck


Eeke Kenninck



I have been working in the IP/IT department of Freshfields since the beginning of 2017. We have a broad practice with a focus on patent law. We conduct a lot of proceedings and are therefore often in court. In these proceedings we often assist the holders of intellectual property rights in defending their rights. Because of the broad practice, my work is very diverse: one moment I’m conducting patent proceedings, then I’m drafting an IP license and then I’m writing privacy advice. So my work is super versatile, and no day is the same. This makes the work incredibly fascinating and it also makes me enjoy going to work every day ever since my first day.

At Freshfields, you work in a very challenging and stimulating environment. Every day you are triggered to get the best out of yourself. You will be given a lot of responsibilities, right from day one, and will be fully involved in the practice. The phrase “excellent, and not too serious” is written all over us, especially for the IP/IT department. You work at a very high level with top lawyers, and a lot is expected of you. On the other hand, we also have a lot of fun together. There are various events and outings throughout the year. This happens both in the department and firm-wide, so that everyone knows each other well, which of course also helps in the cooperation with other departments. That’s what I really appreciate about Freshfields.

We also work closely with teams from our international offices, both the other IP/IT departments as well as, for example, other departments such as Corporate. The work is, therefore, not only focused on the Netherlands. Much of the work we do also has an international angle, despite the fact that the procedures we conduct are obviously about the Netherlands. We also regularly have the opportunity to meet our foreign colleagues at various conferences and international training courses. These kinds of events are always very instructive and fun, and it is a good opportunity to get to know your foreign colleagues a little better.

Tim Elkerbout

Senior Associate

Tim Elkerbout

Senior Associate


As a lawyer in the international finance and restructuring practice, I am involved in a wide variety of transactions on a daily basis. Together with colleagues in Amsterdam and at our global offices, I assist in the financing of acquisitions, bond issues and the rescue of companies in financial distress.
Our firm operates internationally and also has a strong reputation nationally, which results in an interesting mix of activities, with English as the working language. This combination makes the work challenging; the financing practice is dynamic and no two days are the same. Quick discussions and calls are alternated with in-depth legal analyses. Although clients have high demands, the atmosphere in our team is relaxed and we can always contact each other for questions or an analysis of the most recent Champions League match.
The size of the transactions I work on always require international teams and close cooperation. It helps that we are a close-knit team, because of the ski trips and associate weekends, but also because of the performance of colleagues and I in the office’s indoor football team, with which we regularly play a game against other law firms.
The variety of work means that I can look for more depth and breadth in my work. In addition, I have been on secondment to a Dutch financial institution and an investment fund in London, which has allowed me to experience over long periods of time how clients work and what is expected of advisors; that experience is extremely valuable.
Ons kantoor is internationaal actief en heeft ook nationaal een sterke reputatie, waardoor er een interessante mix aan werkzaamheden is, met Engels als voertaal. Die combinatie maakt het werk uitdagend; de financieringspraktijk is dynamisch en geen dag is hetzelfde. Snelle besprekingen en calls worden afgewisseld met diepgaande juridische analyses. Hoewel cliënten hoge eisen stellen, is de sfeer in ons team ontspannen en kunnen we altijd bij elkaar terecht voor vragen of een analyse van de meest recente Champions League wedstrijd.
De omvang van de transacties waaraan ik werk vereisen steeds internationale teams en nauwe samenwerking. Het helpt daarbij dat we een hecht team zijn, door de skitrips en associate weekends, maar ook vanwege de prestaties die collega’s en ik leveren in het zaalvoetbalteam van kantoor, waarmee we regelmatig een potje spelen tegen andere advocatenkantoren.
De variëteit aan werkzaamheden betekent dat ik verdieping en verbreding kan zoeken in mijn werk. Daarnaast ben ik op secondment geweest bij een Nederlandse financiële instelling en een investeringsfonds in Londen, waardoor ik gedurende langere periodes heb ervaren hoe cliënten werken en wat van adviseurs wordt verwacht; die ervaring is bijzonder waardevol.

Igor Dovgaliouk


Igor Dovgaliouk



After having started at Freshfields as a student trainee in the spring of 2007, I have been working there as a lawyer for over 11.5 years – time flies!

As counsel, I co-lead the financial regulatory practice of Freshfields in Amsterdam. With an ambitious team, we work on a wide variety of issues in the field of financial regulatory law – such as supervising permit applications, advising on the implementation and interpretation of legislation and regulations, but also drafting prospectuses and monitoring advertising campaigns. Our clients range from the most prominent banks, investment funds and insurers, to emerging Fintech parties and local players – this ensures that our work is always interesting and versatile.

What gives an extra international dimension to our Amsterdam practice is that we are closely intertwined with our offices in the major financial centres such as London, Frankfurt, Hong Kong and New York. This means that we collaborate with our foreign colleagues on an almost daily basis and we also keep abreast of the latest international (and local) developments. At Freshfields you also get the chance to go on secondment to one of our foreign offices – I myself worked in our London office for six months and found that a great and above all educational experience.

The closeness of our team and relaxed atmosphere at the office is very important to me. Because our Amsterdam office is relatively small in size, everyone knows each other well, which also makes for a pleasant working relationship. In addition, various events and activities (such as the annual staff weekend and ski trip) ensure that there is plenty to do on a social level. Personally, this is also one of the most important reasons why I still like it here after all these years – I would therefore recommend everyone to come and work here!

How to become a part of the team?
What requirements do I have to meet if I want to apply as an associate at Freshfields?

We look forward to hearing from authentic people with vision, pleasure in teamwork and enthusiasm for working in an international commercial law firm. Due to our high quality standards in the work for our clients, we expect you to have obtained a Master’s degree including civil law and to have a good command of Dutch and English. Practical experience in the legal field of your preference, but also experience gained abroad is an advantage.

How can I submit my application and what documents should my application contain?

We would like to receive your CV, a cover letter, your relevant grades so far from both your Master, Bachelor and high school. We will also receive internship assessments of any internships you have done. You can apply via the website or send your application to

What happens to my application after it has been submitted?

After receiving your documents, we will contact you as soon as possible.